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Fro Frofessionals is more than just a local listing. Your free business profile that lets you manage how your business appears on Google Search and Maps.

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Finding local businesses near is easy with one stop Frofessional listing. Search on our website to instantly connect with local businesses.

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FroFessionals reinvests funding back into the neighborhoods and communities that support our businesses. Subscribing as a customer gives you special access to discounts, coupon codes, flash sales and event tickets.

Mental Health Counselling​

If you are uninsured, low income, or are having difficulty accessing affordable mental health counseling, follow these instructions below to claim your 3 months of free counseling sponsored by BetterHelp.

Mental Health Counseling Services


Go to, and enter frofressionals


They will match you with a therapist


Complete the questionnaire


Begin your 3 months of free therapy.

Featured Businesses

Browse featured listings of salons, barbershops, beauty supply stores, and more that cater to the haircare needs of diverse communities.

Support Black and Minority Communities. Add a Listing and/or Donate Today!

FroFessionals is a 1-Stop Shop and database for black and minority owned hair care businesses that cater to the textured hair community. We also advertise Minority-Owned Businesses who have joined our movement to Promote, Advertise and Advance the black and brown dollar by providing a platform where patrons can find and book culturally specific hair care products and services, and locate Black and Hispanic Professionals, nationwide. We create and enhance opportunities to grow and expand your business by providing a central platform for people with kinky, curly, coily, wavy and textured hair. FroFessionals doubles as a nonprofit organization that reinvests proceeds from paid subscriptions back into the community. By supporting mental health access for the uninsured, legal advocacy for the accused, and entrepreneurship opportunities in the community, we aim to bridge the wage gap. FroFessionals uses funds from paid subscriptions, donations and advertisements to increase our capacity and broaden our reach in underserved, black and minority communities. Our mission is to save as many families as we can from the trauma of losing a parent or loved one to the penal system due to mental illness, poor legal representation and/or poverty. Subscribe today. And for only $20/month, you get the two-fold benefit of growing your business, expanding your reach and networking opportunities, and supporting your community. Also, consider supporting the community initiatives under the Donation Page with your tax deductible gift. Support black and minority owned haircare businesses with a paid subscription PLUS Help us increase access to mental health care, justice for the accused and business ownership in our communities.